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Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

As the Chairperson of the 6th Emirates Thyroid Congress (ETC), it is my honor and pleasure to invite you to the Emirates Thyroid Congress 2025, themed “Towards A Practice of Excellence”, taking place in Dubai on May 3rd & 4th 2025.

Building on the success of our inaugural event, which fostered dynamic interactions between delegates and speakers, this year’s congress promises an exciting and cutting-edge program. Over two days, we will explore the latest advancements and discoveries in thyroidology, including specialized topics such as thyroid diseases in pediatrics and pregnancy.

The program will feature plenary sessions, expert panel discussions, case-based debates, and research poster presentations. We will delve deeply into thyroid neoplasms, functional disorders, and innovative surgical approaches, including minimally invasive and robotic techniques. These sessions will be led by world-renowned experts, ensuring an exceptional educational experience that incorporates the latest evidence, technologies, and expertise.

We look forward to welcoming you to Dubai, a city where tradition and progress beautifully intersect, for what promises to be an unforgettable event.

Together, let us strive toward excellence in thyroid care.
Warm regards,

Eiman Alseddeeqi
Congress Chairperson
President-Elect, Arab Thyroid Association
UAE Representative to the World Congress on Thyroid Cancer
Assistant Professor
Consultant Endocrinologist,
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City

Committee & Faculty

Coming Soon

Scientific Program

Target Audience

✓ Internal medicine
Family practice
Medical oncology
Nuclear medicine
General surgeons
ENT surgeons
Obstetricians and Gynecologists 
Radiation oncology
Medical students and fellow
Nuclear medicine technician
Pediatric Endocrinology
Nuclear medical physicists


✓ Thyroid robotic surgery
✓ Functional thyroid disease
✓ Novel therapies for Thyroid Eye diseases
✓ Surgical advances and minimally invasive surgery
✓ Ablative therapies in benign and malignant thyroid diseases
✓ Molecular Markers in evaluating a Thyroid nodule
✓ Artificial intelligence in the Assessment of thyroid nodule
✓ Management of low risk and advanced thyroid cancer in adults and pediatrics
✓ Genetic profiling for the treatment of MTC
✓ Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and Targeted therapy in thyroid cancer
✓ Surgical Management of hyperparathyroidism
✓ ATA 2025 guidelines in thyroid nodules and cancer


✓ To deliver extensive and state of the art lectures, globally recognized guidelines and experts’ opinion in various thyroid functional and anatomical related topics addressing special population as well such as pediatrics and pregnancy.
✓ To deliver the latest technological and medical advances in thyroid surgeries and advanced thyroid malignancy that is refractory to conventional management.
✓ To deliver advanced surgical techniques and robotic surgery skills in thyroidology.


Abstract / Cases Submission

Submission Deadline:
Sunday, 16 March 2025
23:59 Hrs (UAE time)
Notification on Acceptance/Rejection:
Between 25 to 30 March 2025
23:59 Hrs (UAE time)

Abstract Submission

Abstract Categories

Clinical reviews, basic, translational abstracts or case reports may be submitted in the following categories:

  • Thyroid Autoimmunity
  • Iodine Uptake and Metabolism
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Thyroid pathology
  • Thyroid surgery
  • Thyroid Hormone Metabolism and Regulation
  • Thyroid Imaging
  • Thyroid nodules and goiter

Language and content

All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form on the www.ThyroidCongress.ae website with a limit of 2,245 characters (approx. 300 words)

General conditions

  • All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th of May, 2025.
  • Participation is accepted in 2 ways: Abstract Presentation as Posters or Oral Presentation
  • Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing. It is possible to withdraw an abstract 14 days after notification on acceptance.
  • If selected, it is the responsibility of the presenter to bear his travel and accommodation expenses.
  • If your Abstract gets approved as a Poster, the specifications of the poster shall be sent to the accepted abstract authors  at later stage
  • If your abstract get approved as an Oral Abstract, then please note that the Oral presentations are assigned for 8 minutes including 2 minutes for discussions.
  • The same abstract and title submission indicated while submitting, needs to be used during the congress and not another topic can fill your currently accepted slot.

Presenting Author and Registration

  • The presenting author and/or co-authors must register as an active participant at the congress, at the latest 14 days after the notification of acceptance received for the abstract.
  • Emirates Thyroid Congress Committee reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific program that is not followed by a participant registration at the latest 14 days after notification on acceptance.

Oral Abstract Winners” –

Top 3 abstracts including oral abstracts will be awarded as follows:

  • 1st winner –  $500
  • 2nd winner – $300
  • 3rd winner – $150

The abstract will be judged on the followings: Originality, Impact on Practice, Presentation and Methodology

Cases Submission

Call for Abstracts/ Clinical Vignettes/ Case-based discussion:

Get a chance to discuss the challenging clinical scenario and have global experts pick their minds!

  • Clinical vignette (case capsule) submission is open along with abstracts.
  • 1 hour dedicated session that will involve case presentation with an interactive discussion

This is your chance to share your thoughts and learn from experts!

Clinical Case submission details:

  • Case capsule to be submitted in Word format (500 word limit)
  • Following sub sections: Presentation, Investigation and Management
  • Clinical Question to be answered needs to be mentioned separately
  • Standard of care/ Guideline- recommendation and if any deviation from the standard to be explained

Selected cases will be informed to the Authors along with Abstract deadlines.

Venue and Accommodation

Dubai – United Arab Emirates

2020 Sponsors & Exhibitors

Supported By


Media Partners

Enhance your brand position and increase your exposure driving real value. Ensure your company stands out from the crowd by taking up one or more of these value-added opportunities!

Sponsorship of the Emirates Thyroid Congress provides an excellent opportunity for companies operating within this exciting field to explore the market and interact to build lasting relationships with current and prospective clients at all levels and segments – corporate and government departments.

  • Meeting your target audience face-to-face
  • Direct selling to serious buyers in an active buying mode
  • Building prospect databases
  • Generating high-quality sales leads
  • Building relationships with existing customers
  • Demonstrating products / services
  • Generating media exposure
  • Building brand awareness
  • Launching new products/ services
  • Positioning your company as a market leader
  • Targeting, testing and developing new markets
  • Conducting market research
  • Identifying and recruiting new distributors or partners
  • Networking with industry peers
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Exhibiting at the Emirates Thyroid Congress presents multiple benefits to your company, including providing a comprehensive platform for targeted promotion and brand exposure where leading members of the Orthopaedic Surgery and related medicine fields interact to encourage networking and educational opportunities, and develop its future. Showcase your products to leading experts and professionals from both corporate and governmental departments as well as allied health specialists practicing Orthopaedic Surgery related medicine.

Booking is on a first-come-first-served basis. A trade exhibition covering pharmaceutical products, diagnostics and lab tests, lab ware, medical equipment, and instruments, will be organized during the conference at the same venue.

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